Someone finally has the courage to say it :
I feel that these online sites pressure teens to act popular all the time. Now not only is it important to dress the right way, do the right things (and people), but this act doesn’t end away from school. One is also required to pretend to do cool things online to show off.Facebook isn’t for your friends. Your real friends know what you’re doing already, they can contact you when they want to. Your “fake” friends are the ones on facebook, the ones you never want to call you directly.
Facebook is just an online advertisement of yourself. Look at all the cool things I’m doing. Look at how busy I am. Look at how cool I am. Don’t you wish you could be my real friend?
Your real friends know how fake that is. The “concert” you just went to was just a couple of guys playing in a coffeeshop and you left after 15 minutes so that you could get back to playing World of Warcraft. That “party” you went to was actually a LAN party, or worse, a console party where everyone takes turns playing Halo 3 against each other. You have a very ordinary, boring life.
If your Facebook page was a real ad, you’d be sued for false advertising. Ad was deceiptive, implied he/she was doing a lot of stuff but all this person does is play computer games! I want my time back!
Incredible how many people are doing so many cool things in their lives, I wonder how they even have time to eat or sleep when I see their facebook page. How are they able to keep up with their hundreds of friends. Uh, they can’t. Those are just Facebook friends, they could pass each other in the street without recognizing one another.
Where are the Facebook pages with real people with only a few friends? And entries like, “I played World of Warcraft yesterday. Went to sleep, then played computer games when I woke up. Repeat for week”? Come on let’s get real here.
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